TTCA Expansion, Hazama Ando Corporation
This project included the design of the following MEP systems to the manufacturing facility we designed in 2006. Subsequent expansions were designed by Monks Engineers in 2013 and 2016. This latest project brought the facility’s total area to 266,100 SF.
• Assembly Area
Added welding fume exhaust collection system.
Added one process water cooling system with underground tank, 2 submersible turbine pumps for process water circulation, 1 submersible turbine pump for cooling tower circulation, cooling tower, and automatic flushing filter in the process water supply line.
Added one each process water supply, process water return, and compressed air main.
Provide new 208 volt and 480 volt busduct3. Press Bay and Die Storage Additions
• Press Bay and Die Storage Additions
• Electrical Room Expansion o Added distribution gear to handle power needs of the new expansion.

Year Completed