Newark Campus Infrastructure, The Ohio State University
Newark, Ohio
Monks Engineers provided electrical engineering services for this two-pronged renovation project to the Ohio State University’s Newark Campus infrastructure. The initial task was to retrofit approximately 200 existing exterior campus lighting fixtures to L.E.D. lighting. The second task involved the design and installation of emergency generators for four buildings on campus. The existing parking lot lighting is mix of 400-watt & 1000-watt fixtures the university’s goal was to retain existing poles and replace fixture heads. The site walkway lighting, which consists of roadway pendant arms on posts, will have the internals retrofitted to L.E.D. Monks provided a complete audit of existing lighting conditions and compiled an assessment of existing conditions prior to proposing the design. A sophisticated computer analysis assured the new system would not only save energy, but also enhance the lighting. This project will also provide individual natural gas emergency generators for Hopewell Hall, Reese Center, and LeFevre hall, which did not have emergency backup generators. The design for the emergency generators required reconfiguring the building’s electrical distribution to separate emergency circuits, appropriate sizing of associated electrical components, and design of the outdoor associated equipment pad with visual screening such as a wall that would blend architecturally with the existing structure.
Year Completed
$1.3 million
Campus wide